

Whoa, GOOD overload!

You've followed so many awesome topics and members that you'll only see updates from the first 500. Questions?

<section class="message">
  <h1>Whoa, GOOD overload!</h1>
    You've followed so many awesome topics and members that you'll only see updates from the first 500.
    Questions? <a href=""></a>


Profile Saved

That profile update looks great on you.


<section class="message success">
  <h1>Profile Saved</h1>
  <p>That profile update looks great on you.</p>
  <p class="close"><a href="…" title="Close this message">Close</a></p>


Well, this is embarrassing.

Something went wrong when updating your profile. Care to try again?

<section class="message error">
  <h1>Well, this is embarrassing.</h1>
  <p>Something went wrong when updating your profile. Care to try again?</p>

Empty content

You can’t rush genius.

Matthew Manos hasn’t completed any Dos yet. Inspire them by working on your To-do list?

<section class="message empty">
  <h1>You can’t rush genius.</h1>
  <p>Matthew Manos hasn’t completed any Dos yet. Inspire them by working on <a href="">your To-do list</a>?</p>


This User is marked as Spam.

Not spam? No worries, just mark them Ham, Not Spam!

<section class="message spam">
  <h1>This User is marked as Spam.</h1>
  <p>Not spam? No worries, just mark them <strong>Ham, Not Spam!</strong></p>

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